Hey Tamara,

You've helped us Get Out the Vote (GOTV) for candidates up and down the ballot, resulting in historic victories over the past few years. But now, the roles are about to switch-- we're asking you to vote for the Grassroots Democrats HQ! 

We're honored, humbled, and thrilled to share that GDHQ is nominated for a Powerful IDEA Award for our Organizing for Democracy Program! The Powerful IDEA Awards are designed to recognize the most impactful people, organizations, technology, communications, and other resources that power progressive politics, advocacy, and our democracy.

And in the spirit of democracy, this award will be decided by a popular vote. Can we count on you to vote for the Grassroots Democrats HQ and to triple your vote by asking three of your friends to vote?
Cast Your Vote!
1. Visit

2. Create an account using the Register option. Enter your first name, last name, email, and a password. Click on the blue Register button to finish creating your account.

3. You will be redirected to a page where you can enter additional details about yourself. Please answer the questions about your gender identity and how you identify. All of the other information they're asking for is optional.

4.  Scroll down and click the blue Complete profile button.
6. Check your email for a verification code and input it into the Verification code box online. Click the blue Verify button after you've entered the code to verify your account. 
6. Underneath the verification box, you will see My voting assignments. To the right of that, you will see a search box. Type Grassroots Dem HQ in the search box to look for the HQ. Note: if you type Grassroots Democrats HQ, we will not pop up. Please enter Grassroots Dem HQ. 
7. Scroll all the way down until you see the Grassroots Democrats HQ Logo. We are nominated in the Organizing category for the Organize for Democracy Leadership Program. 

8. Click on the blue Vote button with the outline of the heart. When the heart is filled in and the button changed to Voted +1, your vote is counted!

9. Pat yourself on the back, you voted! Thank you for your support!
10. Share this link with at least three of your friends so they can learn how to cast their ballot for the HQ too!
We understand that this can be a lengthy process. If you have any questions or issues casting your vote, send an email to and a staff member will reach out to help you. 

Thank you again for your ongoing support! Your partnership is truly valued by us all. 
Want to go the extra mile? Here at the HQ, we're firm believers in year-round, early engagement. Your donation today ensures we have the resources to start organizing and mobilizing volunteers NOW.
Donate $24
Donate $240
Donate $1,240
Donate $124
Donate $524
Other Amount
Thank you so much for your continued hard work, enthusiasm, and support. Onward to victory in 2024!

In solidarity,

Tamara Melzer Levenson, Executive Director
Grassroots Democrats HQ

P.S. Need help casting your vote? Send an email to and we'll help you out!
Copyright © 2023 Grassroots Democrats HQ, All rights reserved.

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